
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's Here!

I've done one of those things that a lot of people do every year, and fail miserably at.  I've promised things. I've promised to seriously write this blog, (okay that's different from writing it seriously, because I know this is not a serious blog, but it is something I've been inspired to do).  I've started many projects that are going to take up a significant amount of my time this year.  Well I'm here to tell you folks (who are you folks? seriously, no one reads this, does this make me crazy?) that it's January 25th and I'm sticking to my plan.  In order to create a business plan for a bakery/deli, start working on my photography (or graphic design) degree, be a more organized mother, and write this blog about all of it, I required a computer.

Come with me, I'll tell you a story completely irrelevant to anything you are interested in...

Last July, when my 2 year old Dell laptop said it's last goodbye, I remembered making a promise to myself that I would not purchase another computer unless it was a Mac. (I actually said this before I bought the Dell, but you know what they say about people and their promises.) So I purchased an iPad 2. I really wanted an iPad, they are very useful, and it has turned out to be a very good investment. (Especially for the toddler, kids as young as 1 LOVE the iPad and everyone thinks my daughter is a genius because she can work any iDevice with a basic knowledge of what to do.) So from there to here it's been all iPad for me, but of course more of this serious type adult work I've been trying to accomplish would be better done on an actual computer.  So I cried for 3 days, researched PC prices at all the discount outlets, and then sucked it up and ordered my Macbook Pro.  Writing this may be the 3rd thing I have done since turning it on.  Having been a PC user my entire Computer aged life (in my generation is like 12 or 13), using this is like being in a beautiful foreign land. Everything is so interesting and nice to look at but you have no idea what to do with any of it. I'm sure I'll learn and my amazement over not having a "backspace" key will subside and it will soon be as if the world was meant to work hitting the "return" key.

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